[nycphp-talk] Apache doesn't like my c-client (php --with-imap)

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Tue Jul 29 23:29:41 EDT 2003

Hans Zaunere wrote:

> Hmm, not sure myself; installing from ports usually makes everything 
> work  :)
> Only thing I would try for trouble shooting purposes, would be to 
> remove -DEAPI_MM and try to recompile.  If that works, check to make 
> sure the libmm (or whatever it is) is installed.  And, run ldconfig a 
> lot :)

Yep, tried that, I was completely stumped. It has nothing to do with libmm.

In the end, I backed out the ports version and installed imap myself 
from source -- worth a separate writeup if anyone wants it -- and 
everything worked fine from there.

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