[nycphp-talk] problems with in_array

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Thu Jul 31 13:08:37 EDT 2003

I hope you don't mind if I rewrite your code a little bit to simplify it and
try to see if I understand the question correctly.

$get_array = array('foo', 'bar');
foreach ($_GET as $get_name => $get_val)
     $in_array = in_array($get_name, $get_array);
     echo "$get_name $in_array<br />";

     if (!in_array($get_name, $get_array))
          $form_array[] = $get_name;
          echo "hidden form field for $get_name";

So, you are saying that when you pass a URL variable named foo, you will see
output such as this:

foo 1<br />
hidden form field for foo

Right? If so, you're right that it doesn't make any sense, but I might be
misinterpreting your question.


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