[nycphp-talk] TCL, PHP and cookies - AUGH!

Phil Powell soazine at
Thu Jul 31 13:28:59 EDT 2003

I have a TCL CGI script that has to verify if a cookie has been set.  I have
no idea how in TCL a cookie can be read (I don't think there is a native TCL
process to do this), so I am trying to fudge it by scraping a PHP script I
wrote that does just that:

set hasFoundCMACookie 0
set hasFoundCMACookie [string trim [COMPACT_HTML [HTTP_GET $env(SERVER_NAME)
80 /cma/get_cookie.php?junk=[RAND_STRING] {} {}]]]

PHP (get_cookie.php):
<meta http-equiv=Pragma content="No-cache">

  if (strtolower($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["username"]) === "admin") {
   echo '1';
  } else {
   echo '0';


The TCL proc I wrote, HTTP_GET, works, it gets the contents of
get_cookie.php and returns them.  However, it has constantly returned 0,
even if the cookie is found.  If I go directly to get_cookie.php, I get the
correct value of 1 instead.

I'm absolutely stumped as to what to do.  This sounds like another caching
issue on the part of get_cookie.php but I have no solution for it.


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