php_oci8.dll and 9iAS

php at php at
Wed Jun 4 12:29:27 EDT 2003

I have an Oracle 9i Application server running on a WIN2K machine. We installed 
PHP 4.3.1 (with no extentions) on it with no problems, and now I need to load 
the php_oic8.dll extention. I have done this on other windows machines without 
a problem, but this one seems to be a bit different. I installed the oracle 
8.1.7 client on the machine, uncommented out the extention in the php.ini file, 
and set the extention directory path. Now if a page is called that contains one 
of the oci8 functions, it just displays a blank white page. After some 
reasearch, I have realized that the webserver is using the 9i OCI.dll that is 
associated with the 9iAS's %ORACLE_HOME% . Is there a way to hardcode in which %
ORACLE_HOME% you want php to use?    

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