[nycphp-talk] windows version of mysql user question

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Fri Jun 6 21:19:52 EDT 2003

Hi Peter:

On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 06:24:06PM -0400, Peter Lehrer wrote:
> mysql> select Host, User,Password from user;
> +-----------+------+------------------+
> | Host      | User | Password         |
> +-----------+------+------------------+
> | localhost | root | 7a29160226fc5443 |
> | %         | root |                  |
> | %         |      |                  |
> +-----------+------+------------------+
>   What is Host '%'? When I try logging on I get:

"%" is a wildcard.  So the second record says root can log in from 
anywhere without a password and the third record means anonymous access is 
granted from anywhere.  Not too secure.

For more info on how to tighten these permissions up, and for 
MySQL/Windows stuff in general, check out my tutorial:



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