[nycphp-talk] Upgrading PHP 4.3.0 to 4.3.2 w/ Apache 2 on win32

evan heller evan.heller at
Mon Jun 9 21:51:13 EDT 2003

Was php 4.3.0 considered experimental as well? It
seems pretty stable to me if was. Anyhow, yeah,
when I switch back to 4.3.0 from 4.3.2 all these
problems go away. I can't switch to another
version of apache at this moment since this is on
a production server (apache 2 seems better than
apache 1.3x on windows) and I can't leave
customers in the dark. It's hard enough trying to
restart apache and configuring in short bursts of
time so that I don't disturb customer sites.


Evan Heller     
evan.heller at

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