[nycphp-talk] Anyone using/developing on Snort/ACID?

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Tue Jun 10 08:33:16 EDT 2003

--- Jon Baer <jonbaer at> wrote:
> im using it @ home on a mini-itx + soekris wifi AP and was poking around
> the
> ACID app so i thought id ask if anyone else was working on php-based IDS
> stuff (libpcap or winpcap) ...

On a somewhat similar note, I had begun work on an extension to
form/send/recv raw packets, but it's been on the back burner for some time. 
I guess it could be used to wreak havoc on an IDS  :)

At work I'm just completing a couple ncurses apps in PHP - were you
considering something console based, or strictly web related?


> - jon
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Larry Chuon" <LarryC at>
> To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 1:31 PM
> Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] Anyone using/developing on Snort/ACID?
> > What do you want to know?  I used to build an appliance based on this
> > open-source tool.  The problem with ACID is that it is very slow
> especially
> > with the type of network traffic that I was dealing with.  Since it works
> > with both MySQL and Postgres + PHP, you can really go crazy with it. 
> It's
> a
> > nice light weight IDS.  You can repurpose your old PII 200 box. :)
> >
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