[nycphp-talk] mktime

Colin Goldberg coling at
Wed Jun 11 14:34:53 EDT 2003

If you are in the NY timezone, Eastern Time is GMT-5 (not considering 
Daylight Savings).

Colin Goldberg

At 01:23 PM 6/11/03 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I've run into an issue. Supposedly the mktime function will return a UNIX
>timestamp while factoring in the timezone offset on the host machine (I
>assume this because there is a gmmktime function as well for passing GMT
>Anyways, I have written a function that calculates trade dates. I am
>currently reproducing the function in VB, and I noticed that the timestamp
>returned by PHP's mktime function is 5 hours ahead of the timestamp returned
>in VB.
>The other thing is that I then use the PHP date function to create a
>formatted date using the UNIX timestamp returned by mktime. This date seems
>to be correct, and the function is working as designed. So my second
>question is: If mktime is not factoring the time zone offset on my host, is
>the date function compensating for it and returning the correct trade date?
>Anyone have any insight? Thanks!
>Here's some code:
>PHP sample:
>$month = 12;
>$day = 26;
>$year = 2003;
>$hours = 17;
>$minutes = 0;
>$secval =
>PRINT $secval; //----->(Returns 1072476000)
>VB sample
>month = 12
>day = 26
>year = 2003
>hours = 17
>minutes = 0
>strDateFormat = month & "/" & day & "/" & year & " " & hours & ":" & minutes
>secval = DateDiff("s", "1/1/1970", strDateFormat)
>MsgBox secval '----->(Returns 1072458000)
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