[nycphp-talk] setting up AMP w/ RH 9.0

David Mintz dmintz at
Sat Jun 14 16:38:23 EDT 2003

Woohoooo this is exciting. I have obliterated apache2.0 and everything
that depended on it, so now I'm committed to Plan A.

Thanks again, and in advance if there's a next time I come a-crying for
help (which I'm determined to avoid).


On Sat, 14 Jun 2003, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Two ways to answer [how to remove apache 2]-- if you don't need them, go
> ahead and get rid
> of them. Google on the name of any package you don't know the use of,
> all of the packages listed can be installed separately against Apache
> 1.3 if you need them. There's certainly nothing crucial to system
> operation in that list.
> Or...
> Find out where Red Hat installed Apache 2.0 and install 1.3 in a
> different place (/usr/local for instance). But then you have to worry
> about making sure that 2.0 isn't running when you want to run 1.3, etc etc.

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