[nycphp-talk] watching external URL traffic

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Tue Jun 17 21:48:22 EDT 2003

--- Christopher Hendry <chendry at> wrote:
> yes, I'd like to compare what he says versus the actual.
> Unfortunately, I can't even put anything in the frameset...he's simply
> using my client's link to the source.
> Perhaps the best solution is to change the way he interacts with us.

If he's just linking to a static link on your client's page, then it'll be
tough.  However, if you could enforce something on his side (for instance a
call-ahead or dynamic link of sorts) that may make it tougher for him to
fiddle with things, albeit far from bulletproof.  A direct solution may be to
simple examine the IP that is referred from him - is it ping'able,
traceroute'able - does it seem like an average user (you'd end up with IPs
from many different subnets, reverse DNS resolutions, etc.) or is there an
odd pattern?

> I had heard someone mention once that there was a way to watch a site and
> see what errors it throws, 404s et al.
> Did I dream this?

See what errors his site throws?  Yes, 1-800-CRACKER  :)  unless of course
you can enforce some behavior on his end.


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