[nycphp-talk] how to pass the dynamic array indexes from one f orm to another in PHP 4.2

Tracy tech_learner at
Fri Mar 7 01:43:46 EST 2003

Sure enough the code wont work, it didnt for me too until i made some changes to it.
for startes i wasnt able to understand this line

for ($Counter=0; $Counter<$_POST['Number']; $Counter++)

a $_POST for wot? but then i assumed this page might be called from some other page n so did not ask for an explanation about it cos i was able to run it after some modifications. this is the code that run for me..

#code for dynamic.php
<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="dynamic2.php">
//for ($Counter=0; $Counter<$_POST['Number']; $Counter++)
   $Offset = $Counter+1;
   //echo $Offset;
   echo "<BR>Please enter the name of child number $Offset";
   echo "<INPUT NAME=Child[] TYPE=TEXT><BR>";
if ($Counter==0) echo"Press the button to move on";
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT name="test" >

#code for dynamic2.php (suggestion 1)
foreach ($_GET['Child'] as $name) {
        print "$name<br>";

# gives output 

#code u posted
   foreach ( $_GET["Child"] as $c ) {
echo "Child #". $counter++ ." is $c ";

# gives output 
Child #1 is Jerry <BR>

the other way i tried out the script was to include a number... heres wot i did
<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="dynamic2.php">
$Number = 3;
for ($Counter=0; $Counter<$Number; $Counter++)
   $Offset = $Counter+1;
   //echo $Offset;
   echo "<BR>Please enter the name of child number $Offset ";
   echo "<INPUT NAME=Child[] TYPE=TEXT><BR>";
if ($Counter==0) echo"Press the button to move on";
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT name="test" >

   foreach ( $_GET["Child"] as $c ) {
echo "Child #". $counter++ ." is $c <br> ";

# heres the 'view source' 
Child #1 is Tim <br> Child #2 is Tom <br> Child #3 is Tee <br> <BR>

tried these ways, it sure works but the question is does it work in the way u want? for that u'd have to tell wot exactly u r expecting as outputs for what inputs. i am sorry, but ur objective isint clear to me.


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