[nycphp-talk] Masking Emails and Avoiding Spam - OOPS

Jeff jsiegel1 at
Thu May 1 20:12:44 EDT 2003


I agree with you but up to a point. Is all unsolicited commercial email
necessarily spam?

Nearly all the spam I've received has come from spammers who go to great
lengths to hide their true identity. You go to the website referred to
in their email and there is nothing there. When there *is* a website,
they offer no contact information other than a form-to-mail page.

So is there a difference between the spammer who hides who he is and the
spammer who is upfront and honest about who he is? I, for one, am not
sure what the right answer is to this question. (And believe me...I am
as plagued by spam as everyone else...I average 100 UCEs per day.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed McCarroll [mailto:Ed at] 
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2003 7:03 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] Masking Emails and Avoiding Spam - OOPS


My definition of "spam" is unsolicited commercial email.  Thus, I would
consider your friend to be a spammer.  (I'm sure he's a very nice
spammer, but a spammer nonetheless.)

The tactics that you mention in your "he does not ..." list are not a
part of my definition of "spamming"; they are part of my definition of
"dishonest, obnoxious, stupid, arrogant spamming."



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ed McCarroll                          MailTo:Ed at
ComSimplicity                                      (310) 838-4330
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