[nycphp-talk] Looking for a PHP equivalent to Perl Text::Templ ate

Chris Snyder chris at
Tue May 6 12:40:33 EDT 2003

Malcolm, Gary wrote:

>does this strike anyone as a little dangerous? hiding executable code that
>operates at the same level of permissions amongst text files could get
>confusing in large batches... especially if the replacement gets complex.
TRUE-- you should add slashes to $template before eval()ing it in order 
to escape any quotes that would allow executable statements.

>>$template= file_get_contents("/path/to/template.html");
 >> $template= addslashes($template);  // important!

>>$command= "\\$output= \\"$template\\";";
>>print $output;
Given that correction I don't think this is so risky. A malicious 
template author could still reveal the contents of any global variable, 
so I wouldn't let just anyone define the contents of $template.

 If you have a fixed set of values to be replaced then it might indeed 
be easier/safer to build something using the array feature of str_replace.


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