[nycphp-talk] Job Posting/ Recruitment Package

Chris Snyder chris at
Thu May 8 09:02:42 EDT 2003

Hans Zaunere wrote:

>--- Mike West <mxw65 at> wrote:
>>Suggestion on AMP based Job/ Resume Posting / Recruitment type package?
>>to post resumes, collect personal info and match jobs to jobs available.
>We (NYPHP) are looking for one, too :)
>So far I haven't been able to find anything nice.  Our current job board,
>despite steadfast efforts by Sklar, can't offer what we'd like.  I believe
>Chris is working on a better system, and this will be a continuing Open
>Source project of NYPHP.
It's true -- there is a new, extensible jobs board on the way.
I've been unexpectedly stuck in a theater running video projections for 
the last week. They let me out for food but not coding. :-(

We wrap tomorrow.


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