Short Term Job - Lake Success, NY

Jaz-Michael King JMKing at
Fri May 9 09:50:25 EDT 2003

Hi all, I'll be needing some PHP help for a couple of months starting late May.

I need someone who can hack up the Sitellite SAF, 

I have a few sites running this, and I'll be redesigning all of them, hacking in some extra features and customising some of the fucntionality, plus rewriting most of the content. The site is 

This will be pretty intensive and should last about 8 weeks. The office is in Lake Success, NY, which is near New Hyde Park, Long Island. It's just outside Queens. A lift may be available if you don't have your own transport or public transport isn't viable.

I don't care about qualifications etc., but 3 examples of work, personal or commercial, are required.  Please review the SAF and feel comfortable digging around in it. Previous content management experience is essential, whether it's using other packages, hacking up Nuke, whatever - you'll need some CMS experience.

I'm not privy to the Finance department's policies, but I imagine the rate will be around $40 to $50 / hour. I anticipate four eight-hour days a week for six to eight weeks. Needless to say, this could lead to future opportunities.

Please download the SAF and view the IPRO site before responding. This is onsite work, business casual.

If you have any questions you can call me on 516.326.7767 x 407



Jaz-Michael King
Online Services Manager

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