[nycphp-talk] The PHP Framework?

Vanmosel, Arno Arno.Vanmosel at
Fri May 9 12:43:35 EDT 2003

Sorry ... I replied to the wrong subject in the mailing.

You see ... that's how funny this article by Microsoft actualy is.... I lost total control over myself! lmao

--- Original sent ---

Hehehehe ....
This is just to funny!

"JScript" ... didn't even see that one! 
Client side scripting is supported by .NET ... no shit Sherlock!

And it better support your own languages too ... Wouldn't it be funny
is .NET did not support VB .NET? It's like PHP not supporting ... 
well ... mod-php. 

What is next?  hehehehe

Thanks Hans ... I needed a good laugh. 


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