[nycphp-talk] next challenge

Bhulipongsanon, Pinyo Pinyo.Bhulipongsanon at
Mon May 12 08:03:48 EDT 2003

Make sure you use relative path to image, as opposed to server path or URL.
This way you will have greater flexibility later on, also you don't have to
store so much redundant informaiton.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua S. Freeman [mailto:jfreeman at]
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2003 9:29 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: [nycphp-talk] next challenge

I have built a database with about 12 tables

I have a <form></form> which is long-ish but not so long that it HAS to be
broken up into multiple pages.

The problem is, on submit, I need different form values to be submitted to
different tables in the database.  How do I build an insert statement like

Also... people are supposed to be able to upload an image with this project.
I think best practices call for storing the image in a file and using php to
create a link to that image which gets stored as a text 'url' in the
database associated with the record it needs to show up in...

How is *this* accomplished?  *this* being... asking for someone to somehow
insert the local image path and then, on submit, moving the image to the
right place on the server and creating the 'url' that goes into the database
and putting it in the database?

Thanks for any pointers...



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