[nycphp-talk] Creating multidimensional arrays

DeWitt, Michael mjdewitt at
Wed May 14 09:47:02 EDT 2003


Like yourself, I have been a big fan of multidimensional arrays (MDA) in
PHP. One of my favorite uses is in using an MDA to hold product information
or perhaps a special price which goes into effect if the correct "code" used
in "unlocking" the array.  For example,

consider an array like this


and in PHP you build it like this


You can see that the promo_code, '123' works as a key to unlocking the
special pricing and source code that should be used on the order.  Any value
for the promo_cde other than '123' and the value of pdprice will be null.

Yes, you could do this via a database, but we didn't feel the effort in
building the additional needed table maintenace modules worth it when merely
adding and deleting entries to the $promo array was so easy.

I haven't noticed this being slow, but in one of the NYPHP monthly meetings
I remember that MDAs were to be avoided for performance reasons.  I think it
was Dan Cowgill of Community Connect, but I may be mistaken.  Does anyone
else remember this being discussed?



> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Emmanuel. M. Decarie [SMTP:emm at]
> Sent:	Wednesday, May 14, 2003 8:59 AM
> To:	NYPHP Talk
> Subject:	[nycphp-talk] Creating multidimensional arrays
> Hello,
> I have this little function that work well for me, but I was 
> wondering if it could be optimized. I use it to set the default value 
> of checked radio buttons. Also, while doing this function, I 
> discovered that PHP can autoinstantiate associative arrays in depth. 
> For ex.
> $ar = array ();
> $ar['one']['two']['three'] = 'hello world';
> echo $ar['one']['two']['three'];
> --> hello world
> I must say that PHP's array are one of the nicest feature of the language.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Here's what it look inserted in the HTML page:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> <hr>
> <form>
> Are you ugly?
> Yes
> <input type="radio" name="choice_1" value="1" <?php echo 
> $radioGroup['1']['1'] ?>>
> No
> <input type="radio" name="choice_1" value="1" <?php echo 
> $radioGroup['1']['2'] ?>>
> <hr>
> Are you tall?
> Yes
> <input type="radio" name="choice_2" value="1" <?php echo 
> $radioGroup['2']['1'] ?>>
> No
> <input type="radio" name="choice_2" value="1" <?php echo 
> $radioGroup['2']['2'] ?>>
> <hr>
> Are you funny?
> Yes
> <input type="radio" name="choice_3" value="1" <?php echo 
> $radioGroup['3']['1'] ?>>
> No
> <input type="radio" name="choice_3" value="1" <?php echo 
> $radioGroup['3']['2'] ?>>
> </form>
> --------------------------------------------------------
> And here's the function:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> function assignValues ($maxOutArrays, $maxInArrays, $arSelection) {
>    $counter1   = 1;
>    while ( $counter1 <= $maxOutArrays ) {
>      $counter2 = 1;
>      while ( $counter2 <= $maxInArrays ) {
>        if ( !isset ($arSelection[$counter1][$counter2]) ) {
>          $arSelection[$counter1][$counter2] = '';
>        }
>        $counter2++;
>      }
>      $counter1++;
>    }
>    return $arSelection;
> }
> $radioGroupDefaultValues['1']['2'] = 'checked';
> $radioGroupDefaultValues['2']['1'] = 'checked';
> $radioGroupDefaultValues['3']['1'] = 'checked';
> $radioGroup = assignValues (3, 2, $radioGroupDefaultValues);
> --------------------------------------------------------
> And the output show with var_dump ($radioGroup)
> --------------------------------------------------------
> array(3) {
>    [1]=>
>    array(2) {
>      [2]=>
>      string(7) "checked"
>      [1]=>
>      string(0) ""
>    }
>    [2]=>
>    array(2) {
>      [1]=>
>      string(7) "checked"
>      [2]=>
>      string(0) ""
>    }
>    [3]=>
>    array(2) {
>      [1]=>
>      string(7) "checked"
>      [2]=>
>      string(0) ""
>    }
> }
> Now I have a big form with 50 radio buttons in 10 groups of 5 radio 
> buttons. I didn't benchmark this function, it seems that it run well, 
> but if there is a better way to do it, I'd like to hear it.
> -- 
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Emmanuel Décarie / Programmation pour le Web - Programming for the Web
> Radio UserLand/Frontier - Perl - PHP - Javascript
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