[nycphp-talk] Wireless Hot Spots

Edward Potter ejp at
Thu May 15 08:34:43 EDT 2003

We offer a free wireless hotspot, no login, no passwords, etc.  T1.
36th and 10th. And we also have free bicycles and a Cafe.

"What are you guys %&%**%*% crazy!"
"nah, we trust everyone, we're Utopians."

PS.. We are moving in 2 weeks, however.


- ed

> Try here:   as well
> as here  ..   I am amazed how often I can
> connect to an open office wireless network.   No security.  I sat in a
> Starbucks on broadway and could connect to two different networks
> freely.  I was at a clients apartment who had just purchased  an
> airport he thought I set it up but I was using his neighbors system.
> So try you're often surprised.
> On Wednesday, May 14, 2003, at 02:45 PM, Andrew Yochum wrote:
>> Almost forgot... if your a Verizon customer, supposedly you can hop on
>> their
>> WiFi points listed here for no charge:
>> On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 02:37:58PM -0400, Andrew Yochum wrote:
>>> For starbucks:
>>> Other:
>>> On Wed, May 14, 2003 at 02:33:55PM -0400, Chris Shiflett wrote:
>>>> Does anyone know where some good wireless hot spots are in
>>>> Manhattan? I will be
>>>> all over looking at apartments and doing interviews, and I'd like to
>>>> be able to
>>>> drop in a Starbucks or something and keep up with email, etc.
>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>> Chris
>>> -- 
>>> Andrew Yochum
>>> Digital Pulp, Inc.
>>> 212.679.0676x255
>>> andrew at
>> -- 
>> Andrew Yochum
>> Digital Pulp, Inc.
>> 212.679.0676x255
>> andrew at
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