[nycphp-talk] Help with regex

Nestor Florez nestorflorez at
Fri May 16 16:54:25 EDT 2003

Dan et all,

Thanks for your help, I was able to do what I wanted 
Using the following regex
 $_ =~ s/.*[^>]+>(.*[^<])<\\/td>/\\1/gi;

I decide to use perl instead PHP because it was a lot easier reading the files in perl with the "while(<FILE>)", but I prefer PHP for creating web pages.
When I tried using php
33 $content = file($myfile);                #readfile into array
34 foreach($content as $line_num => $line) 
35 {
36   $a = "/.*[^>]+>(.*[^<])<\\/td>/\\1/";    #reg expression
37   $line = preg_replace($a, '$1', $line); #replace
38 }
I still get an error:
Warning: Unknown modifier '' in c:\\program files\\apache group\\apache\\htdocs\\php\\readphone.php on line 37

My problem is solved, but I wish what was causing the error message.

Thnaks again to all,

Nestor :-)

Is ther an easy way to read a file in PHP like there is in perl
-------Original Message-------
From: Analysis & Solutions <danielc at>
Sent: 05/16/03 09:28 AM
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Help with regex

> Hi Nestor:

On Fri, May 16, 2003 at 11:27:23AM -0400, Nestor Florez wrote:

>    <td width="49">205</td>
>  $line = ereg_replace(".*>", "", $line);

As you probably realized, this is too greedy.  The reason is because ".*"
is matching ANY character, including ">" so it goes through the whole line
until it gets to the final ">"  This can be tweaked a tad so all
characters except ">" are 

    $line = ereg_replace('^[^>]+>', '', $line);

Also notice the anchoring of the expression to the start of the line to 
avoid the expression repeating it's actions on subsequent >'s, and the use 

of single quotes since no variables are in the expressions.

> $line = ereg_replace(".*?>", "", $line);

You're on the right track, but "?" is for preg expressions.  So, another 
option is converting it to a preg function:

   $line = preg_replace('/^.*?>/', '', $line);



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