[nycphp-talk] Closing ?> tag

Malcolm, Gary gmalcolm at
Tue May 20 16:24:50 EDT 2003

well, at least i 'get' the argument for includes...

But I am still pretty uncomfortable assuming that I only want php in an
include. Also, depending on a parsing engines behavior based on code
formatting smacks of all those horrors one can only call "Python." I guess I
am concerned here about a double standard... for example: I think we can
probably agree that curly braces should be used on all conditionals and
loops, if only for clarity(double standard?). So, when we decide that
delimiters need only  be used willy-nilly I begin to get that same sinking
feeling as when I code JScript or HTML 3.x (mostly knowing that I'll be
revisiting this code in some bizarre bug-hunt when the unexpected happens as
it always does)
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