[nycphp-talk] Query to Array and Array loop performance hit.

Hans Zaunere zaunere at
Mon May 26 14:12:29 EDT 2003

Happy Monday!  :)

--- Mark Armendariz <nyphp at> wrote:
> Good Morning and Happy Sunday New Yorkers (and good day to everyone
> else)...
> I'm currently working on a project with a designer, and I'm trying to do
> my very best to keep my code as clean and out of his way as possible.
> So basically I'm putting all my queries and all the good creamy filling
> up on top, and then keeping all php code to a minimum on the bottom,
> when he can rock the design.  I try to to this as much as possible as
> is, but I always worry about performance (primary wrory based on this
> question).
> Clean code, check.  Queries and logic up top, check.  Output
> formatting... gets a bit sticky.  The primary issue I have is
> formatting.  For instance, to keep the code clean down below, I format
> columns for the designer.  For instance, I format all date fields for
> him, concat all vars for him (I know I can use mysql concat, but that
> doesn't solve all var issues), and whatever other logic might be
> necessary.  Since this is part of a outputted query loop, I can't quite
> put all that logic up top.
> So, to me, the obvious answer would be to loop through the returned
> array (from the query) up top, format all the columns into a separate
> array and then in the actaul doc, run a nice and neat foreach to loop
> through the formatted array.  So my questions are:
> How badly would that hurt page response time?
> Is that just too much work for each page load?

This, to me atleast, is a common practice.  I like to do as much string
manipulation in MySQL as possible, but unless you have tons of data being
loaded, or very heavy traffic, you should have no problem eitherway. 
However, if either of these is an issue, you may want to look at some type of

> Is there another viable solution (outside of templates - i've used them
> and I tend to avoid them)?

Templates wouldn't help here - the data still needs to get fetched and
managed.  Just write clean code, paying attention to performance tweaks where


> Thanks, and have a great Sunday!!!
> Mark Armendariz
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