[nycphp-talk] CM Tool / Interface to PHP

Tim Gales tgales at
Tue May 27 04:36:33 EDT 2003

You might find the Aegis project at Source Forge interesting.
Here is a link ''.

It is primarily document (or source code) control -- but has a project
management-like feature, which the author refers to as change states.
e.g 'passed unit testing' 'integrated system test under review' and so on
There are a bevy of reports and it supports 'variant' (or branch) lines of 

Hope this helps --
T. Gales

-----Original Message-----
From: Rudy Gamberini [mailto:rudy at] 
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 3:13 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] CM Tool / Interface to PHP

Hi Chalu,

Actually I am a strong support of workflow and have created and published a
graphical model for capturing the development process workflow (process
cartography).  I'm not committed to checkins and checkouts but simply used
that as a point of reference.  I agree with your analysis and use of a state
machine to control the flow.  There is a great workflow tool called
Teamshare that already supports an interface to several CM tools.  It does
lack the database attributing of the artifacts with the ability to perform
queries.  But your point is well made and I will follow-up on the site you


-----Original Message-----
From: Chalu Kim [mailto:chalu at]
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 2:43 PM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] CM Tool / Interface to PHP

You sound like you are committed to checkins and checkouts. But you could
also look at it in the workflow.

For example, you create a content initially private. Once you submit to
published. Then, you can checkout and checkin. In turn, they can be viewed
as locked or unlocked(or available). You can also retract it.

You notice there is a state machine based states and transitions. For
example, you start with a state of "private". moving onto "submitted" with
transition of "submit", onto "published" or "into repository" via

I think you could benefit from workflow.

There are a number of efforts out there;

The problem you are trying to tackle seems to require a framework. If you
are just interested in checkin and checkout, there is CVS modules for

On Mon, 26 May 2003, Hans Zaunere wrote:

> --- Rudy Gamberini <rudy at> wrote:
> > First a little background.  While I develop LAMP applications my paying
> > is as a software process engineer.  I’m from the dark-side as some
> > developers like to refer to my role.  One of the major elements of a
> > well-defined development organization is a Process Asset Library (PAL).
> > PAL is a controlled repository of artifacts typically used in the
> > development process.  While I won’t bore you with all the attributes
> > associated with each of the artifacts what is important is the fact that
> > these artifacts are controlled via a configuration managed (CM) tool.
> > artifacts range in type from Word documents to Excel spreadsheets to
> > Powerpoint presentations.   In today’s world we use CM tools like Visual
> > Source Safe or Clearcase from Rational.  While these tools do an
> > job they don’t fit into the vision I have for a PAL.
> >
> > What I want is a thin-client interface (browser based) that will allow
> > user to get the latest copy of a document for use or Check it out, in
> > CM
> > sense, to update and Check it back in.  The Check-out and Check-in
> > need to be controlled as they typically are via a CM tool.  The artifact
> > attributes will be stored in a database (MySQL) while the documents will
> > controlled in the CM tool.  The thin-client will allow the users to find
> > the
> > artifacts via search criteria they will select via dropdown list boxes
> > the various artifact attributes.
> There seems like the issues at hand are twofold: one, being a
> content-management-system (or document managment) and two being source
> management.
> For the first issue, perhaps this would help:
> Also, a google for any of the terms, PHP, document management, project
> management, etc. will return results.  A similar browse and search at
> would be useful as well, and, at a minimum, there's always
> nuke family of products ( and  I
> would recommend, however, that you search a bit more, and find something
> that's more in line.
> > What I’m looking for is any information on interfacing to a CM tool, CM
> > tools,  or better yet a CM tool that readily connects to a browser via
> The defacto source code control system is CVS,  There
> both graphical and client-side GUI interfaces available for it, most of
> are outlined at the aforementioned site or quickly retreivable via a
> search ( uses such a tool, which would be customizable,
> believe).
> > While I develop everything on Linux/Apache for the  web-server, I could
> > convinced to use IIS (the pain) if that is necessary.  Actually some
> > clients may need an IIS solution so that is not totally out of the
> Most everything in the PHP world will be written for Apache first, with
> server platforms support as an afterthought.  A word of caution for IIS,
> however: it's a multithreaded environment, and while modern PHP versions
> support it, many extensions and the libraries they implement do not.  If
> want rocksolid, go Apache 1.3.27 and mod_php - bulletproof.
> H
> >
> > Even giving me hint of where to start looking would be appreciated.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Rudy
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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