Rescued: 66 black-anodized-steel PCs

Matthew Knight matt at
Wed May 28 12:18:56 EDT 2003

Hello all -

I rescued 66 anodized black PCs from a client's company, they were
deemed too slow for M$ applications and bloatware M$ OS.  The company is
a trading firm based out of NYC that develops trading portals for the
NYSE, these were once a part of their server farm.

The systems have a very small footprint, and are only slightly larger
than a shoebox.  They're roughly all the same inside, with specs
similiar to below:

Pentium I 90-233MHz or AMD compatible
16-128MB RAM
2GIG Hard Disk
2 Serial
AT Style Motherboard

The black steel case is very solid and one-of-a-kind made specifically
for the company.  Everyone seems to like the look of this
all-anodized-steel "black box" - it's very sleek indeed.

In any case, I couldn't see throwing away 66 perfectly good computers...
Unfortunately, it seems recycling is mandatory for everything *but*
computers (go figure...)
If you would be interested in getting one, send me an email, off-list,
to matt at



Matthew Knight
Reconstrukt, LLC
P.O. Box 334
Larchmont, NY 10538
matt at
24-hr fax/fon: 866.212.1700

-----Original Message-----
From: Tracy [mailto:tech_learner at] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:38 AM
To: NYPHP Talk
Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] PHP Compatibility and Portability

may be this can egt things started...
Make your PHP 4.1 (or higher) script compatible with PHP 4.0 (still used
by some prviders)
// PHP4 < 4.1 Compatibility 
if (!function_exists('version_compare')) { 
    function version_compare ($a, $b, $c) { 
        return (TRUE); 
if (version_compare(phpversion(), "4.1.0", "<")) { 
    $_REQUEST = array_merge ($HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS,
    $_GET = $HTTP_GET_VARS; 
    $_ENV = $HTTP_ENV_VARS; 
} // End PHP4 < 4.1 Compatibility 

User Comments:
You aren`t REALLY ensuring compatability of an entire script, just the
$_SERVER (etc) arrays. 

There is still one LARGE difference however. $_SERVER, $_POST, etc are
all superglobal arrays, which means you don`t have to do things like: 

function foo() 
global $_SERVER; 

In your example, the user would still have to have a global ...
statement in any user functions they declared. 

Your example solves a LOT of problems, but not all :)

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