[nycphp-talk] application logic in stored procedures

felix zaslavskiy felix at
Thu Nov 6 02:52:42 EST 2003

I am just trying to get an understaning if its a good way to go. 
I have not implemented a full blown web based business application before but I have been doing a bit of looking around the net on the topic. It seems people say for anything that is not trivial and involves some tricky business rules go with full featured dbms, in my case that would be postgresql. For fast search/lookup stuff like many web stuff mysql may be faster. Then choosing mysql the option of stored procedures is no longer available. What I am afraid of is if I use mysql alot of my php code would be start looking like this start trabsaction->query->process->query->proces->query->end transaction.  If this is the case why not just put most of this mess in a stored procedure? 

I dont like this turn into another pg vs mysql thread. I like to hear how people made decisions on wheather they needed stored procedures on basis of their project requirements. 

Felix Zaslavskiy

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