[nycphp-talk] Second time array_walk failed for me

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Thu Nov 6 22:55:38 EST 2003

On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 10:18:20PM -0500, Daniel Kushner wrote:
> Phil wrote:
> > 1) Why does the PHP manual say that "array_walk" CAN change the values
> > in the array, when, in fact, it can't?
> > 2) If 1 is answerable, does that mean the manual is either misleading on
> > array_walk, or, oh no WRONG?
> >From the manual:
> Note: If function needs to be working with the actual values of the array,
> specify the first parameter of function as a reference. Then, any changes
> made to those elements will be made in the original array itself.

Marv Albert here with the instant replay... including the behind the 
scenes action!!!

Phil learned of the array_walk() function, but he didn't fully read the
manual about it, so couldn't get it to work.

Phil goes ahead and posts in several places about it:
  * Here on the NYPHP Talk mailing list

Then, back here on the list, Adam is kind enough to tell him how to get it 
to work.

But Phil still misses the point and thinks he's found a bug in PHP or the 

Now, Daniel goes to the manual for Phil and cuts and pastes the crucial 
text from the manual right here for him, PLUS provides an example.

Folks, stay in your seats, the game's not over yet!!!

--Dan "And Phil wonders why I give him a hard time..." Convissor

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