[nycphp-talk] ASP to PHP translation

Tim Gales tgales at
Tue Nov 11 09:15:22 EST 2003

Hans Zaunere wrote:
> I'm not sure what Mr. Kohn means by this (even after reading 
> the above URL).
I think he means you can't use his stuff to automatically convert asp to
php because of what you pointed out namely:

> ... Windows' 
> munge of what a date/time is may cause some confusion; but 
> UNIX timestamps have been around longer :)

I meant the post to be a friendly reminder to watch out for the
discepencancies in the representation of time which (can) exist when going
from asp to php.

I certainly didn't mean to imply that one time representation was better
than the other. I think its safe to say that both are accurate -- just

T. Gales & Associates
Helping People Connect with Technology

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