[nycphp-talk] PHundamentals Topic #4: php.ini settings

Brian Pang bpang at
Thu Nov 13 10:10:00 EST 2003

Of course everyone has an opinion about register_globals.
Since it was defaulted to "off" I've learned to live with it think it's
the right thing to do.

If you're using third-party warez that need it "on," you could include
something at the top of each page that defines the EGPCS vars as regular
global vars. You'd have to put it on every page, but better than fixing
every reference to a register_globals var instance in the code.

Speaking of EGPCS,

I find this to be a more useful setting than just GPCS:

variables_order    EGPCS

short_open_tag    on

why not? fewer keystrokes and the file extension is already .php.
Moving to a server with it off? Just do a grep on all the files... easy.
also, makes reading inline var includes much easier
<?=$varname? or <?php=$varname?>

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