[nycphp-talk] PHP dominance on websites (Information Week article)

Tim Gales tgales at
Thu Nov 13 12:09:20 EST 2003

Jon Baer wrote:
> yeah but if you look a large majority of jobs *still* call
> for MS .Net/c# and Java which is what i don't get, is there 
> that big of a non published defection?

Well what I don't get is why so many programmers (and hence the bosses who
do the hiring and firing) become 'enraptured' (as in 'rapture of the
deep') with Java. Perhaps given that it is only prudent to look and see
how a certain component is actually being implemented before you use it.
And given the fact that one has to go so deep into any given Java
framework -- i.e. though mounds of javadoc cluttered with structures and
interfaces that are not germaine to the task at hand -- to find the
'active ingredients' of a component, they do suffer from a lack of
something to the brain when they (the programmers) stay down there too

T. Gales & Associates
Helping People Connect with Technology

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