[nycphp-talk] AMP "marketing document"

John Lacey jlacey at
Fri Nov 14 09:33:16 EST 2003

>> I would volunteer to *contribute* to a document (html and .pdf) that 
>> would be available for downloading from the NYPHP site.  The document 
>> would be geared towards the 'marketing aspect' of getting the word out 
>> concerning AMP technology and other closely-related areas.  
Michael Southwell wrote:

> I'm in on this

Hi Michael,

I'll prime the pump by starting on the Executive Summary section next 
week.  The document needs to be concise and minimally technical (a 
handful of pages to begin with is ok).  The process should help to get 
the contributors in marketing-mode.  There's some very heavy techies on 
NYPHP (not to mean horizontally challenged :) and I'm always learning 
from them.  Here's an opportunity for those folks to sharpen their 
marketing skills -- and to remind the contributors to back off the 

First question should be: "Who's the audience?"

I think taking it offline after this would minimize noise on the lists.
Do you want it in HTML first?  I figured you'd be in the better position 
to drop it where belongs for others to comment.

Since I'm throwing the first pitch, I'll take the "you're off-base" hits 
  from people.  It's all about process.


btw, use the jlacey at address -- thanks

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