[nycphp-talk] Take redIbis' 2003 technology survey

Deidra McIntyre lists at
Tue Nov 18 11:28:20 EST 2003

NYPHP listers,

The first annual redIbis' Multicultural Initiatives Survey (MIS), a
collaborative effort among the Association of Chinese Computer
Professionals (ACCP), the Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA), and
Hispanics in Information Technology & Telecommunications (HITT), launched

Take the survey:

Business owners and professionals in the technology fields -
Biotech/IT/Telecommunications - are invited to answer questions in this
short survey. The goal of this project is to ensure that the voice of
African Americans/people of African descent, Chinese/Asian, and Latino
technologists is chronicled on the major issues of this year. However, all
ethnicities in the field are invited to partake in this project.

Feel free to forward this email to other technology professionals.

Thank you,

Deidra McIntyre
President & Founder

About redIbis

redIbis is a non-competitive organization that works to foster business,
career networking, and educational opportunities among information
technology (IT), technology, and telecommunications business owners and
industry professional organizations of color. At present, three national
organizations, the internationally influential Association of Chinese
Computer Professionals (, the nearly 30-year-old
Black Data Processing Associates ( and the
fast-growing Hispanics in Information Technology & Telecommunications
(, are our key strategic partners involved in
planning, promoting and co-sponsoring multi-cultural and multi-ethnic
redIbis events. Collectively, we share a vision that technology businesses
by people of color must thrive in order to ensure a bright future for
American as well as global economies. redIbis takes its name from the
Scarlet Ibis, a bird indigenous to the tropical regions of the world
including Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, South and Central America.


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