[nycphp-talk] need help with debugging mail()

Michael Southwell southwell at
Thu Nov 20 16:51:48 EST 2003

I am moving a site from one server to another one (the new one is in nyc 
and has a 2-letter extension ;-).  The contact form on the old site is 
working perfectly, but identical code on the new one isn't.  Phpinfo tells 
me that sendmail is there and presumably working.  Docs say that mail() 
returns TRUE or FALSE so I tried this code:
if (mail($to,$subject,$message,$from)==FALSE) do something
else do something else
which always does something else so mail seems to be returning TRUE but the 
message never arrives.  How do I do a better job of debugging what's happening?

Michael G. Southwell =================================
DNEBA Enterprises
81 South Road
Bloomingdale, NJ 07403-1419
973/492-7873 (voice and fax)
southwell at

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