[nycphp-talk] handling vague dates.

David Vogel davevgl at
Wed Oct 1 14:15:35 EDT 2003

Thanks, for all the suggestions, that helps a lot.


--- Hans Zaunere <hans at> wrote:
> David Vogel wrote:
> > Hey,
> > 
> > I have a small batch of dates that I'd like to get into a db. 
> Almost
> > all of them are specific, eg October 1.  However, a few refer to
> things
> > that happen around a certain time.  For example students' "Housing
> bill
> > for spring semester due" is listed as 'Early January'.
> > 
> > So, I'm not sure how to set up the db to accomodate the oddballs. 
> Any
> > suggestions would be much appreciated.
> I've dealt with almost the same thing.  Very often, patients will say
> "I was sick in March" or "I came down with xyz in 1970".
> I wrote to handle these types of things (you can
> just download/copy the source without worrying about the pCom part of
> it) and it's worked great.  While the code is tuned for MySQL the
> premise remains the same for any DB; use ISO dates, which have no
> problem being ambiguous and are super fast/portable (they're just
> ints).  The only items I see that Ymd wouldn't address for you is
> stating "early xyz...", and they require at least a year to be used
> (although these could be hacked out).
> HTH,
> H
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