[nycphp-talk] OT: Apache access_log integrity

D C Krook dkrook at
Thu Oct 2 20:48:32 EDT 2003

Psaw, Hans and Jon,

Thanks for all the suggestions.   I think I'm going to settle on a 
combination of the following solution:

- a daily cron job that strips by regex my two most common IP variations,
- a standalone script that does the same with given parameters,
- take advantage of Webalizer's exclusion options.  Psaw, thanks for the 
tip, I really didn't realize it was that flexible but it has a ton of great 
conf options that can be used retroactively against already generated 

Thanks again for the tips, I'll keep you posted if I need to add some more 
processing or if I find a simpler solution.


>Did you look at Webalizer, an app that has many startup config options that
>allow you to remove/massage info to generate focused reports and charts 
>Apache logs. Also, cron to grab, analyze and archive your logs
>Then maybe you could do some set it and forget it type of processing. PSaw

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