[nycphp-talk] Apache 2.0/Virtual Host with SSL

Jeff Siegel jsiegel1 at
Mon Oct 6 09:21:21 EDT 2003

Wondering how to handle the following problem. 

I installed Apache 2.0 using RH 9 (it comes bundled with PHP 4.2.2).
After setting up virtual hosts using that beautifully written article I
found at, I then tested some of my code
which redirects a user to an HTTPS connection. I keep getting an Err
404. Thinking it might be the code I created two simple test pages: the
first page has a link to the second page. Here's the link: <a
href="https://unap/test2.php">click me</a>. Now, "unap" is a virtual
host on the server and all other links work correctly on the server but
not this one. *However*, if I change the link to a fixed IP address,
i.e.,  <a href="">click me</a>
works fine. It seems, then, there is an Apache configuration that I'm
missing. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

Jeff Siegel

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