[nycphp-talk] Syntax question (was handling forms (relative newbie))

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Mon Oct 6 15:57:22 EDT 2003

Quick question:  I noticed on some posts to my original question the 
syntax for accessing an array element of $_POST or $_SESSION uses 
single quotes around the array element.  In the reference book I am 
using there are no quotes, just something like $_SESSION[first_name].  
I googled a number of discussions and articles and have found examples 
of both methods.

So, my question is, does it matter if one uses the single quotes or no 
quotes as both seem to work?  Are there any security issues or other 
nuances I should be aware of or is the language just forgiving in this 
respect and I could choose either way?



On Friday, October 3, 2003, at 03:34 pm, Chris Shiflett wrote:

> 1. Validate $_POST['foo']
> 2. Validate $_POST['bar']
> 3. $_SESSION = $_POST
> 4. $_SESSION['blah'] is used somewhere important

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