[nycphp-talk] Oracle and PHP

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Oct 9 22:28:10 EDT 2003

deedee wrote:
> could be OPA, which some of my dutch friends call their grandfather....
> the grandfather of all platforms!  hmmm!  its catchy!

Of course there's POA (PHP/Oracle/Apache), pronounced Powa (as in power :) 

> i was inspired by the Installing Oracle9i Database on Red Hat Linux 9
> procedures and to see the Oracle Technical Network (OTN) is engaged in a
> Migration to Linux project at a Hospital....

Oddly enough I just did a Oracle 8i install on RH9, and at a hospital of sorts.  I've done easier things, but it was rewarding to see Oracle startup, and then drain all my RAM :)


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