[nycphp-talk] Session woes

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Sat Oct 18 19:11:45 EDT 2003

Howdy Nasir:

On Sat, Oct 18, 2003 at 05:31:47PM -0400, Nasir Zubair wrote:
> I am working on a project that uses Sessions (only) for tracking logged in
> users. Everything works in IE and most netscape/mozilla browsers. However,

Are you using cookies to pass the session ID?  I strongly suggest using 
URI based session ID's, just for reasons like this.  You can check out my 
Simple Session Solution class:

> my client uses AOL, and he is having problems logging in. Some times he can
> login, other times he can't. He also reported that he get "kicked off", i.e.
> session is gone without explicitly logging out.

Are you using IP addresses for session authentication anywhere?  AOL's 
system seems to have users browsing via a proxy which can change IP's 
along the way.



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