[nycphp-talk] Vote for phpMyAdmin

Hans Zaunere hans at
Mon Oct 20 07:18:25 EDT 2003

jon baer wrote:

> -snip-
> O'Reilly is working with COMDEX to organize an Open Source Innovation Area
> on the COMDEX Exhibit Floor. We've nominated 21 projects and we'd like you
> to help us select the six projects we'll send to COMDEX. The winning
> projects will be recognized by COMDEX and we'll invite a leader from the
> project to come to COMDEX and run demos on the show floor. This will give
> Open Source projects an opportunity to go where only commercial software
> vendors have gone before.
> -snip-

Eek, I'm a little shocked to see some of the canidates.  Nevertheless, phpMyAdmin has gotten my vote.

BTW, I've been meaning to rewrite NoCatAuth in PHP.


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