[nycphp-talk] problem with mysql select query with unusual criteria

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Mon Oct 20 17:22:48 EDT 2003

On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 03:08:33PM -0400, soazine at wrote:

> want:

I want to be a programmer, but I'm not great at figuring things out, so,
rather than figure out that there are other things in the world that I
_am_ good at and doing them, I'd rather bang my head against a wall and 
try to get someone to help me do my work for me.

> criteria:

For free.

> This is what I've done so far and it fails:

Get error messages, but haven't really thought about what they say nor do
have I read the manual about the section of the query that failed.

So, I asked a PHP list about how to write a MySQL query because I couldn't 
figure out that a MySQL list would be the right place to consult.



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