[nycphp-talk] MySQL sync tool ...

jon baer jonbaer at
Thu Oct 23 10:04:05 EDT 2003

this would actually be kinda difficult I would think unless your data was
specific to use time/date stamping that ran in parallel because mysql only
uses actually a single file to keep tabs on a database.  I did some packet
analysis on what the SQLyog tool did initially, which seemed to match row
for row and then MD5 of the columns to analyze changes, which makes sense.

if you data was stamped (maybe a best practice) then you can poll one result
and update another.

- jon

----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Richardson" <keith.richardson at>
To: "'NYPHP Talk'" <talk at>
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 8:52 AM
Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] MySQL sync tool ...

> I would think to either to create a changelog, and then only sync the
> changes (like the keys/tables of what needs to be added/deleted), or do
> changes in both databases at once, just that would be so slow :/
> Keith Richardson
> Thompson Health Information Systems
> keith.richardson at
> <mailto:keith.richardson at>

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