[nycphp-talk] send header before end of script?

Analysis & Solutions danielc at
Thu Oct 23 20:28:25 EDT 2003


On Thu, Oct 23, 2003 at 05:38:37PM -0400, Stephen Musgrave wrote:

> ignore_user_abort and I would like to send the a confirmation screen to the
> user that tells them that, "the process has been started and it will be
> completed in 2 hours."  But from what I can tell, sending the header
> redirect to the confirmation page aborts the execution of the script.

The simple way is to send them to a confirmation page.  Just print out the
confirmation on the original page when the process is done.  You can use
the output buffering functions to get the initial "be patient" message.  
You can also use it to spit out a list of emails sent along the way, if
you like.  Then, when it's completed, echo that fact out to the browser.


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