[nycphp-talk] Waiting for query redirect...

Mark Armendariz nyphp at
Thu Oct 30 16:20:32 EST 2003

(apologies if this msg gets posted twice, i posted form the wrong address
the first time)
Not sure how OT this is...
I've been working on a registrar app that requires communication with an
external api.  On some queries to the api, the request takes a few seconds
to go out for a response and return it.  During the process, the browser
basically just shows an incomplete page and then fills in the rest once the
response is given from the external server.  On sites like and, when you do a search and it goes out to the airline api (sabre i
believe it is), it shows an animated loading message, basically tellign the
user that it's grabbing the info they're looking for.
How would one go about doing that? -  Where it waits for a full response to
load showing a temporary page and then redirects to the query display once
fully loaded.
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