[nycphp-talk] Merging/reissuing sessions ...

Hans Zaunere hans at
Fri Oct 31 15:22:18 EST 2003

jon baer wrote:

> all this session talk thought id throw out a question ...
> a long time ago someone made a plugin-like feature for tomcat java server
> which allowed for something like a reissue of a session id in which it
> merged together contents from one session content (the hard file) into a new
> session key.  it was something like:
> session.reissue();
> session.reissue(int); // tell it when to reissue after x transactions
> (default 1)
> it was mainly a security idea to prevent hijacking over time.
> does session_regenerate_id() perform these same type of functions w/ a
> transaction count?  and is there anything new in php5 pertaining to this?

Perhaps a bit off topic but google for:  psyn nyphp

I had written a session scheme that uses syn/ack numbers just like TCP does.

I never really finished it but I have some more klunky code if you want to see it.


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