[nycphp-talk] more on &$var in function

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Fri Sep 5 15:06:52 EDT 2003

Michael Southwell wrote:

> aha, you mean like this?
> $var1="something";
> $var2="something else";
> function dosomething($var1){
>   global $GLOBALS;
>   etc.
No need to do that, the $GLOBALS array is always available in the local 
Here's an example:

// global variables -- these aren't going to change for this request
$goatcolor= "red";
$goatname= "Quux";

$barn= new Barn;
$barn->color= "green";

function findGoat($goatname) {
    // make the current $barn object available locally
    global $barn;

    if ( $barn->color== $GLOBALS['goatcolor'] ) {
        print "$goatname is in this barn.";
        $barn->empty= 0;
    else {
        print "$goatname is not in the $barn->color barn.";
        $barn->empty= 1;

I could make a better example. :-)

By referencing $goatcolor as $GLOBALS['goatcolor'], I'm much less likely 
to change it by accident. And possibly the script is more readable, at 
least to me.



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