[nycphp-talk] FUNDAMENTALS #1: Site Structure

max goldberg max at
Fri Sep 5 16:09:16 EDT 2003

David Sklar wrote:

>>FUNDAMENTALS #1: Site Structure:  Where to Locate Includes?
>I set things up like this:
>Document root: /www/
>Includes:      /www/
>Individual pathnames and directory names, of course, don't really matter,
>but it's important to locate includes outside of the document root. You can
>configure your web server to not server include files based on extension or
>parse include files as PHP based on extension, but then you're in trouble if
>you ever have an include file with a different extension (on purpose, by
>accident, because you edited one in-place with emacs and ended up with
>, etc.)
I worked for a company which at one point had a website where you could 
view any file's source by appending the filename with ~.
Mmmmm emacs.

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