[nycphp-talk] PHP growth (getting OT)

John Lacey jlacey at
Tue Sep 9 15:03:57 EDT 2003

your comments are right on... one major piece that the OSS/FS community 
needs to develop is marketing savvy and practices... now THAT ('scuse 
the caps) would be a great meeting subject


Brent Baisley wrote:

> I work for a technical recruiting company in NYC and I can tell you 
> that most of the jobs we have are for C++, Java or .NET. That's not to 
> say these companies don't use open source tools, they just don't 
> actively recruit for those skills. Linux being an exception to that. 
> Most of your larger companies are more interested in scalability and 
> support rather than time to development. They can always hire more 
> people to speed up a project.
> The midsize companies who are outgrowing Access and/or FileMaker are 
> ideal candidates for PHP and MySQL, but they don't know enough about 
> them to go that direction. I've done some consulting on the side and 
> I've had clients who wanted a completely web based system with 
> Filemaker as the backend (egads!). They have Filemaker (or Access) and 
> are comfortable with them.
> I've actually gotten my foot in the door many times because I knew 
> Filemaker, not because I knew PHP and MySQL. Although I've ended up 
> doing the project in PHP/MySQL.
> I believe there still needs to be more growth in the PHP market share 
> before you'll start seeing a big demand for it. Cold Fusion has a 
> larger market share, but there aren't many jobs on the job boards for 
> it in the NYC area.
> What job boards have you looked on? You may have more success looking 
> at one of the non-commercial job boards like Craigs List.
> On Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at 02:20 PM, crisscott at wrote:
>> All of this growth in PHP use is great but what I want to know is 
>> where is all of the growth in the PHP jobs?  Especially in NY.  In 
>> Delaware I had no trouble getting interviews or even job offers but 
>> since I moved up here, I have trouble just trying to find places 
>> accepting resumes.  This wouldn't be such a problem if it weren't for 
>> that three hour commute to Wilmington.  Does anyone have any good 
>> resources or pointers for a guy new to the big city looking for a job?
>> Thanks
>> Scott Mattocks

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