[nycphp-talk] mail function in Linux-Apache

Nestor Florez nestorflorez at
Tue Sep 16 12:52:27 EDT 2003

If you can send maill from the command line then you probably need to set up your php.ini
You can set it up to sendmail or SMTP as long as you know the name of you mail server or SMTP server

I ran into the problem in a Mac OS X and send mail would not work althought,
I could send mail from the command line so I changed it to SMTP and it work.

Nestor :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Hans Zaunere <hans at>
Sent: Sep 16, 2003 9:00 AM
To: NYPHP Talk <talk at>
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] mail function in Linux-Apache

Carlos G. Chiossone wrote:

> Hi guys, thanks in advance for helping.
> I am having strange issues with a Linux server running Apache. I can send emails from the command line using the mail command but when I try sending it from PHP it goes nowhere. I also don't get any errors neither on the Apache log file nor on the screen. My php.ini is set to give all errors and warnings and the mail is pointing to the correct directory where sendmail is, actually using the default path set by PHP.

A couple things to try:

--- tail -f /var/log/maillog and see if there are any errors indicated while trying to send from Apache, versus the mail command line tool

--- can Apache (assuming you're running PHP as mod_php) execute the required sendmail, etc binaries?  Does it have the permissions?  su to the user Apache is running as and try the mail command again

--- in the php.ini are the settings correct?  I think the default is /usr/sbin/sendmail, which much exist and be executeable/readable by apache



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