[nycphp-talk] osCommerce questions ...

Andrew Yochum andrew at
Wed Sep 17 10:13:50 EDT 2003

On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 07:54:19AM -0400, jon baer wrote:
> 2 questions ...
> * have there been any *bad* experiences with using the package?

You have to be very aware of versions of OS Commerce & contributions, some
contributions are modules/plugins and some are patches/hacks.  You'll have to
be carefull of matching versions for your modules and patches and then be extra
careful not to overwrite your own customizations w/ patches.  Before you plunge
into adding in some contribution, RTFM fully and understand just what kind of
contribution it is and what you're getting yourself into.

The reason for this is that some parts of OS Commerce were made  to allow for
modules (shipping, payment, taxation, etc) ... while some were not (product
fields, non-product content, etc).  Keep in mind that this also affects your
own modifications to it... some things were designed to be easily modified,
while others were not.

> * can the admin be locked down or be used only offsite with say a tunneled
> p'keyd mysql connection ...

Shouldn't be a problem at all.  The admin and the store are basically two
entirely separate apps, with separate config files and all, so piping the mysql
connection for the admin over a tunnel should be easy.

Andrew Yochum
Digital Pulp, Inc.
andrew at

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