[nycphp-talk] AMP comments

PUTAMARE jeffknight at
Thu Sep 25 11:34:35 EDT 2003

Meh, my precious scroll key finger isn't that abused by off topic 
posts, there really aren't enough to warrant the diversion of resources 
from some more worthy project to solve the "problem". As I mentioned at 
the meeting, probably the best first phundamentals should be a how to 
filter your email tutorial, since most of the list-based 
dissatisfaction comes from people who apparently don't. I'm not going 
to volunteer for this phundamental however because I do not know or 
care to know how to do anything in outlook.

Jeff Knight
jeff at
212/213-6558 x 203
LUSH media
110 W 40th St #1502
New York, NY 10018

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